Category Archives: Beara

The Beara Peninsula is a spectacular peninsula. One of the fingers of land jutting out of the south west corner of Ireland in Munster. It is saved of all the hustle and bustle that can be found in Kerry, simply as it is not possible to drive around in a coach. Here lots of photos and photography of the region.

Mikado Pantomime Lehanmore

Mikado Pantomime Lehanmore Community Centre a Great Success. Script by Bill Griffin and further editing by Carina Mc Nally. Four nights of fun were had by the audience. The fourth year in succession that the panto has taken place. This year the sets, costumes and make up just seemed to be even better than the previous year. Also the children played a larger role and were outstanding. Thanks to Billy, Carina and Nadette for all their hard work. Also this year we were delighted to have Sarah Dornbush doing the sound and prompting which made it all a little easier for us, unseen here…..

On the fourth night there was some trouble with the fuse board, luckily with not much time to spare Aidan fixed it for us.

Watch the Shorter version here with some new clips

The video is the full length pantomime.

Watch the full Mikado Pantomime Lehanmore here

Mikado Pantomime Lehanmore

Mikado pantomime lehanmore

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Strava record attempt

Strava record attempt by Neil Hodges. Riding a Viner Super Prestige cyclo cross bike. Neil beat the record for the ascent of the local hill known as Goula and is the current King of the Mountain. Here is the link to Strava

Watch a short video of Neil riding Goula here

Strava record attempt

The Viner Super Prestige is a 9KG cyclo-cross bike. It comes supplied with Sram Rival 11 group set by Planet X cycles in the UK.  A few problems in the ordering process meant I missed out on a few races. However the value for money from these guys kind of makes up for it. Fabulous bike to ride and very responsive.

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Eireball Charity Run visits Lehanmore

Eireball Charity Run visits Lehanmore twenty eight VW camper vans and a few other old vehicles travelling around Ireland to make money for charity.  Since 2006 the run has been going and they have made 100 thousand Euro for charity. Visit their website here and make a donation I had a chat with them and Louisa gives some information about their efforts in the video.

Watch a short video of the run here

Eireball Charity Run visits Lehanmore

Eireball Charity Run visits Lehanmore

Eireball Charity Run visits Lehanmore

Eireball Charity Run visits Lehanmore

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