Category Archives: Dursey

Dursey Island is a small island just off the end of the Beara Peninsula in south west Ireland, it is joined to the mainland with a cable car, the only cable car in Ireland. Here lots of photos and photography of the island.

Dursey Island Festival 2024

Dursey Island one of the West Cork Islands had its 2024 Festival. A great weekend of fun and entertainment, sure the craic was mighty.

Watch the Short video here

Some photos here too

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Dursey Island Festival 2023 a story of Arm Wrestling, Singing and Drink….

The Dursey Island Festival of 2023 a story of Arm Wrestling, Singing and Drink…. Ann Finch did a great job organising again a festival on Dursey Island. A good turn out of people came and enjoyed an early mass, after which there was a bbq with plenty of food and drink. There could have been a few more people there, however a technical issue meant the cable car was out of action for a good part of the afternoon, fortunately Denis came over on his boat to pick a few people up. Christian organised an arm wrestling tournament which was very interesting, especially when the women started their competition. Which was won by Julia Jeisy Mcnally from Garnish.

Watch the video here below

After the arm wrestling more food and drink with some excellent singing and music playing outside until the late hours. A few folk gathered in one of the houses to continue on into the early hours, we will be back.

Thanks to all involved in making it such a great occasion.

The Dursey Island Festival of 2023 a story of Arm Wrestling, Singing and Drink….

Time Stamps
00:00 Intro
00:05 No Cable Car
01:33 Arm Wrestling
07:35 Singing

Dursey Island Cable Car Closure 2022

Dursey Island Cable car closure will be on the first of April, the closure is expected to last through until October. In reality there is a good chance that the Island will be inaccessible for a lot longer than that. I visited the island to meet some of the farmers and spoke to some of the local people who would be regular visitors to the island to hear and film their thoughts on the closure as well as the future plans for a bigger service and its impact on the island.

Watch the 20 minute video here below

Many thanks to Joe Sullivan, Gerald Murphy, Paul O’Shea, Anne Mc Nally, James Sheehan and David Dudley for their participation in the film.
I can only hope that the contractor and funding for the job are found soon as it is going to be a long time coming.

This film was made by myself simply as a historical archive for future reference I received no funding or remuneration for my work, which amounts to many hours of filming and editing. All done with Fujifilm cameras and some DJI Drone footage at 4k resolution.

Also thanks are due to Carina Mc Nally, Jerome Dwyer, Michelle Dudley, Patricia Sheehan and Nadette Charlet.

Of course Copyright is by definition attached to the film.


PS Any other stories or events happening, let me know.

Dursey Island Cable Car Closure 2022

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