Grass Track after the Silage

The lads get to drive their home made cart in the field after the silage cut. Its a 125 Yamaha moto engine, 2 stroke, in a home made chassis, lots of work and learning went into making it. Neil, Tadgh and Ladina in the very last clip.

Watch the video below

and another, phone film

Grass Track after the Silage

As always like and share, if you feel like it…

Brian and Gavin “At the Silage”

Brian and Gavin “At the Silage”. Cut day one, tossed day two in the afternoon, and baled in the evening. This film is shot until the last ten seconds with a zoom lens handheld. Which was a new experience for me, having shot before with wider lens and drone. The music is free from the internet.

Watch the video here

Brian and Gavin “At the Silage”

As always a share and a like are welcome

Apart but Together – Pat Higgins

Pat Higgins and his usual suspects got together remotely, to record this song that he had written for the Front Line Workers. They managed it with the barest of technical equipment.
Pat says, wherever you are in this world if you appreciate the song, and the effort of front line workers please donate to your local frontline charity.
Song Written and sung by Pat Higgins, with Ecki Krupp, Marc O’Hare, Ladina Jeisy, Marc Jeisy and Kate Higgins.

Watch the video here below

Apart but Together – Pat Higgins


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