Category Archives: Film

Balooz make films, mostly for free but we want to make more and if you have a need for a promotional type film or an event type film get in touch and we will make one for you.

Dursey Boat Trips

Dursey Boat Trips has started business from the pier at Garnish.  A trip out for six people is 240 € so 40 euros each. Absolutely amazing experience and a great way to see nature and hear aboat stories from the different lighthouses through the years.

Good luck to Dursey Boat Trips and best wishes.

Watch their promo video below

Dursey Boat Trips

As always if you got this far please feel free to share, thanks.

Cahermore Silage 2019

Cahermore Silage 2019 working away at the silage that crazy time of year is upon us. I went out in the morning for the shots of the grass cut laying in the fields. Then in the evening back for some shots of the lads collecting and baling.

Watch a short video here below

Cahermore Silage 2019

Get your own photos and film, just contact us.

As always if you get this far please give us a like and a share, thanks