Beara Charity Cycle 2014 was a fun weekend with fantastic weather. We cycled from Castletownbere to Dingle taking in Molls gap which comes out to 146 KM on a scorching day. That is apart from the five lads who decided to do the ring of Kerry too which made their day a 220 KM day. Of course I was cycling so only have a few shots on day one of the start in Town and the food stop at Kenmare and Castlemaine. There was plenty of food too so nobody bonked…
Beara Charity Cycle 2014

Hard Man…

Puncture man…

Hard man number two

End of day man

Garnish men

The Young ones

Paul O’Shea “main man” and John Joe “the legend”

Matt and Mary

Three of the long distance men

Food loading

Lets go


John and Susan


Stop number two Castlemaine

The Ozzie

Kevin feeling it…


If I lie down I may never get up again

Pat phone home


Thanks Paul

Fuel for the end



Anne Marie and Carl
On day two after a few pints the night before we headed back but went a slighter longer route through Kilgarvin making it 156 KM and I think most people were happy with their fitness levels as we all felt good riding again, at least after the first few KM.
Bike N Beara helped all the way as well as many others who will go unnamed (they know who they are) There are more photos on the bikenbeara website

Stole this picture from Vera at Bike N Beara visit their facebook page here

And this one Team West from Pat Kelly
As always if you get this far please click the social media buttons, thanks